Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan (FCCJ) was established in 1999 with its main purpose to promote trade and economic exchange between Japan and Finland. FCCJ’s mission is to increase its members’ business success by providing information, know-how and networking opportunities to the highest standards. Through FCCJ you gain an access to our other members through events and introductions. With collaboration with various organizations and authorities you have also other business related institutions and networks right at your hand.
在日フィンランド商工会議所(FCCJ) は1999年に設立された。活躍の主な目的は日本とフィンランド間の貿易や経済的な交流を促進することとしている。FCCJのミッションは、情報共有・ノウハウ・ネットワーキングの機会を提供することによって企業会員と個人会員のビジネス功績を支えることである。FCCJを通じて他の会員だけではなく、連携している組織や当局にもネットワークを広げることは可能になる。
Stay updated on Finland-Japan related business activities through our web page, updates on SNS channels and through our newsletter updates.
Versatile Activities
As a member, you are invited to join multifaceted events such as luncheons, seminars, company and factory visits, and also casual get-togethers such as sauna evenings.
Meet old and new possible collaborators through montly networking events, online or offline.
Gain more valuable visibility to your company through FCCJ and Team Finland.
Added value
Help in finding the right experts and institutions, Mercedes-Benz Cup golf tournament. Expanded global network such as Finncham, European Business Council (EBC) and much more! New service for your company: rental rep!
Stay updated on Finland-Japan related business activities through our web page, updates on SNS channels and through our newsletter updates.
Versatile Activities
As a member, you are invited to join multifaceted events such as luncheons, seminars, company and factory visits, and also casual get-togethers such as sauna evenings.
Meet old and new possible collaborators through montly networking events, online or offline.
Gain more valuable visibility to your company through FCCJ and Team Finland.
Added value
New service for your company: rental rep! Mercedes-Benz Cup golf tournament. Expanded global network such as Finncham, European Business Council (EBC) and much more!
- FCCJ helps you to better understand the way of doing business in Finland and Japan and between the two countries.
- FCCJ is a gateway to the European market, through its network in Finland and through the cooperation within the EBC.
- Through FCCJ and in cooperation with the Embassy of Finland and the Business Finland your influence on governmental decision making for the benefit of your business will improve.
- Create new business opportunities by learning to know companies involved in the trade between Japan and Finland.
- Practical advice on issues related to running a company in Japan or Finland through the FCCJ Committee work.
- Updates on interesting topics through the monthly meetings. Interesting program activities, both business related and social.
- Up-to-date information on Finnish economy and business through newsletters, email bulletins and Web site.
- Free consultation on matters related to the development of your business in Finland and Japan.
- FCCJ improves your networking both locally and regionally, in Japan and in Finland.
- PR opportunities and improved visibility through publications, guidebook and Web site.
- FCCJは、フィンランド、日本、両国間におけるビジネスのノウハウの理解促進に役立ちます。
- FCCJは、フィンランド国内のネットワークや、EBC間での協力を通じて、ヨーロッパ市場への参入の玄関となります。
- FCCJを通じて、フィンランド大使館及び大使館商務部の協力を得ることができ、政府・官庁に関する事項への影響力を増大します。
- フィンランドと日本の間で貿易に従事する企業の情報を入手することにより、新しいビジネスチャンスを得ることができます。
- FCCJの委員会のネットワークを通じ、フィンランドおよび日本における会社運営の実際的なアドバイスを得ることができます。
- 月例のイベントにおいては、ビジネスや社会一般に関する各種イベント等、その時々の話題を提供します。
- フィンランドの経済やビジネスについての最新の情報を、ニュースレターや、Eメール、ウェブサイトなどを通じてお届けします。
- フィンランドや日本におけるビジネスの拡大に関する相談に応じます。
- FCCJは、フィンランド、日本国内における広範囲にわたるネットワークづくりのお手伝いをします。
- 刊行物やガイドブック、ウェブサイトによるPR活動の可能性を広げることができます。